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Monday, June 15, 2009

Physio's Dictionary : B

Physio's Dictionary : B

Baker's cyst
Bursitis of the semimembranosus or the medial gastrocnemius bursa. Often presents as a large soft tumour mass in the posterior knee and may be associated with degeneration of the knee.
Bankart lesion
An anterior pouch that is formed when the humeral head dislocates anteriorly, and remains following reduction, leaving a deficit in the anterior restraining mechanisms.
Biarthrodial muscles
Muscles that span over two joints and have a function over those joints e.g. biceps brachii - shoulder flexion and elbow flexion.
The use of instrumentation to bring covert physiological processes to the conscious awareness of the individual, usually by visual or auditory signals.
Blood doping
In its usual form, this involves withdrawal of blood from an athlete, followed by re-infusion after a suitable period of time, usually 4 - 8 weeks, during which time the level of red blood cells had returned to its pre-withdrawal state. The addition of the extra blood would increase the amount of cells available to carry oxygen. This practice has been used to improve endurance. This is a banned practice at elite levels of sport and may be potentially dangerous.
Bone density
A description of bone mass and is diminished in osteoporosis. Bone density has also been seen to be diminished in hormone deficiency syndromes, particularly oestrogen depletion.



Grinding of the teeth, which may be a predisposing factor to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction.

Bucket handle tear
A description given to a type of tear of the meniscus of the knee joint, usually medial. The tear is one that extends along the length of the meniscus, within the body of the meniscus. This tear allows for the internal portion of the torn meniscus to slip into the joint. A common cause of a "locked" knee.

A fluid filled sac, usually located at areas of friction e.g. between tendon and bone.

Inflammation of the bursa, usually caused by overuse or direct trauma.

taken from : http://members.optusnet.com.au/physio/glossa_m.html#B

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